a proximate interface
An arcade of musings from my encounters with curiosity.
space as thesis
It is no secret that humanities research is undergoing a major media reimagining as the scholarly dominance of print wanes. In the last few years, the Modern Language Association, the American Historical Association, and the College Art Association/Society of Architechtural Historians have released guidelines for the evaluation of ‘digital’ scholarship...
interfacing religion
In light of the prevalent anxiety and curiosity about both human relationship and reading practices online, I have two simple claims, that meaningful human encounter is possible online and that bible offers an interface for this encounter.
a proximate thesis
Building on the experiments that have guided this space of a proximate bible thus far and listening to the counsel of my committee, the remainder of this project will argue that the infinity and anarchy at work in the proximity of the face in Emmanuel Levinas’s writings suggest a difficult...
translating thesis
Through some difficult and useful conversations with my committee, I have come to some greater clarity on what I wanted from this a proximate bible project. The hypothesis governing my work here has been that sustained and careful attention to the ongoing production of a space built on the pedagogical...
consuming thesis
It is no secret that the idea of thesis makes me uncomfortable. Recently, I have been asked to offer a clearer articulation (thesis) of what I am trying to say about the relationship between Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophy of the face and technologies of reading and writing. After reading back over...